Am looking these posters from allies in The New Order in HD. In game they are heavily damaged or in low definition. I want to put them on my room. Does anyone have?
Am looking these posters from allies in The New Order in HD. In game they are heavily damaged or in low definition. I want to put them on my room. Does anyone have?
According to The Old Blood newspaper clip, Castle Wolfenstein Assassin Executed, a terrorist attempted against Hitler and escaped from there alive around last days of 1945. Also we know that he killed Hans Grösse. A good reference to Wolfenstein 3D. But a question still. What did exactly happen? We don't know how did Blazkowicz end into the castle. And less about in which order occurred everything. Was it planned to kill Hitler from the beginning? Or was he sent there after being captured in another place? Maybe the motion comic trailer from 2009 reboot shows part of what did happen?
I want to see all the details in Chapter 1. The 3 levels of it are amazing, but there are some parts that I can't see normally (like Vulture aircrafts, all the mates seen off playable zone). I tried typing noclip, but console says that command doesn't exist.
I want to complete The New Order using only Thompson 1946 (and The Old Blood if the gun still in game), but I don't know how to use command console. I explored by my own and researched in console and all I could find was possible weapon code (smg46) and the command to check a list of actions (find a).
I know SMG is a very weak gun, but looks so cool to just shoot it in prologue.
Step one: Wyatt's timeline
Step two: Search a door at the basement or in the first floor
Step three: If u still in stealth, get ready to fight because guards ll see u climb the ladder
Update: I found it, the command to turn off is: bind"F1""g_showhud 0"
To turn it on again is: bind"F2""g_showhud 1"
The parts of F1 and F2 must be written as a word, not as a key
I've recently finished Wolfenstein: The Old Blood and The New Order on Über difficulty and thought I'd make my own versions of the games recorded as movies (the Blezko cut). To give it an original touch, I thought about recording it without HUD, but there is no option to disable it in the TOB menu. Does anyone know how it can be done?
(Ik that it's possible moving some archives, but not which ones)