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I would like to write the part for Operation Overlord, but it would not budge.
WOLFENSTEIN meme of the day
Am looking these posters from allies in The New Order in HD. In game they are heavily damaged or in low definition. I want to put them on my room. Does anyone have?
This wiki is going to shit and I really like this franchise so I'm gonna change that. check my re-design of the New Paris page and see what you like. open to criticism and lore.
According to The Old Blood newspaper clip, Castle Wolfenstein Assassin Executed, a terrorist attempted against Hitler and escaped from there alive around last days of 1945. Also we know that he killed Hans Grösse. A good reference to Wolfenstein 3D. But a question still. What did exactly happen? We don't know how did Blazkowicz end into the castle. And less about in which order occurred everything. Was it planned to kill Hitler from the beginning? Or was he sent there after being captured in another place? Maybe the motion comic trailer from 2009 reboot shows part of what did happen?
When wolfenstein 3
I want to see all the details in Chapter 1. The 3 levels of it are amazing, but there are some parts that I can't see normally (like Vulture aircrafts, all the mates seen off playable zone). I tried typing noclip, but console says that command doesn't exist.
32 Votes in Poll
Is the Angel of Death from Spear of Destiny the same Angel of Death that killed the firstborn sons of the Egyptians in the final plague upon Egypt in the Exodus story?