Wolfenstein Wiki

Arthur Kenneth Blaze is a newscaster and talk show host, and a son of William J. Blazkowicz (protagonist of the classic Wolfenstein series) and Julia Marie Peterson. Born Arthur Blazkowicz, Arthur changed his surname from Blazkowicz to Blaze. to make it sound more showbiz-like.

He married Susan Elizabeth McMichaels and fathered the boy who would eventually rename himself Billy Blaze, the star of the Commander Keen series.

Billy, in turn, is the ancestor to B.J. Blazkowicz (Doom) and Stan Blazkowicz, both marines of the Doom series.

Behind the scenes[]

It maybe that Arthur or Kenneth was the name of William J. Blazkowicz's father, Arthur Kenneth's grandfather, seeing as Tom Hall's intent that 'heros' skip a generation, and each hero is named William J. Blazkowicz. This would make him Arthur Blazkowicz II. The name Stan Blazkowicz breaks the mold (but in that game its suggested he might be a clone, relative, brother, of the character from classic Doom games.).

Arthur Kenneth Blaze does not appear to exist in MG reboot universe. Instead Sophia and Jess use the names of Arthur and Kenneth as nicknames for each other based on characters from a series of adventure novels. One of the Terror Twins apparently turns out be the mother of Commander Keen in that universe (and grandmother of Billy Blaze and Billie Blaze). There are no photos of Arthur Kenneth Blaze in the family photos (only Terror Twins, and William Blazkowicz) in a trailer for a cancelled game.
