Wolfenstein Wiki
Shot Mutants

The Mutant on the left is Chasing the player. The two on the right are instead in the Shoot state, which may occur at any time during the Chase state.

The Chase state is the actor state in Wolfenstein 3D in which the enemy is alarmed to the player's existence, and begins to chase and variously attack the player. Enemies are not initially placed on the map in the chase state, instead they must detect the player, which may occur in any of several ways:

(Note: Enemies cannot be permanently removed from the chase state without killing them; death state).


The player may be detected by an enemy in any of the following ways:

  • The player comes into an enemy's line of sight
  • The player shoots a weapon or attacks a second enemy in the same room, if the enemy to be alarmed is not on an Ambush tile
  • The player shoots a weapon or attacks a second enemy that is not in the same room, if the two rooms are mapped to be within earshot of one another and if the enemy to be alarmed is not on an Ambush tile
  • The player comes into contact with an enemy, even if the enemy is facing away from him
  • The player attacks an enemy

See also[]
