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"The Dieselkraftwerk's Blitzen-Diesel canister ammunition sticks to wall and enemies on impact. These canisters can be remotely detonated. Dual-wielding the Dieselkraftwerk automactically detonates canisters on impact."
―Journal description in The New Colossus[src]
"The Dieselkraftwerk fires sticky diesel grenades that you can detonate from afar. Useful for destroying clamp locks or setting up traps before a fight."
―Journal Description in Youngblood.[src]

The Dieselkraftwerk (lit. "Diesel Power Plant") is a new weapon appearing in Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus. It is a variant of the Laserkraftwerk, which uses diesel-powered grenades as ammo.


Wolfenstein: The New Colossus[]

The Dieselkraftwerk fires a diesel canister that can be set to explode on impact or be detonated remotely. Sticking a canister on a Nazi soldier does not sound the alarm, so you could potentially stick canisters on all the officers in an area and detonate them simultaneously. The canisters can also be stuck to walls and used as remote-detonated booby traps.

Wolfenstein: Youngblood[]

In Youngblood, the weapon can be further upgraded to cause massive damage, and have attachments that cause fragmentations, or large area damage.

History and Locations[]

"Yingele. Take this. Wyatt came up with a basic concept. The design is not ay ay ay it's experimental, but it will be very useful."
"Does this end kill Nazis?"
"Oh... Enthusiastically so.
B.J. and Set Roth on the Dieselkraftwerk.[src]

The New Colossus[]

The Dieselkraftwerk is only available in Wyatt's timeline. Therefore, in order to get the gun, BJ must choose to save Wyatt at the start of The New Colossus (or have already saved him in the New Order) to gain access to the weapon.The Dieselkraftwerk was designed by Set Roth, who was given the idea for it by Wyatt. It was later given to BJ on board the Eva's Hammer, who used it for various missions. B.J. loses the weapon after being captured by Irene Engel in Mesquite, but Anya Oliwa collected it and his other weapons to save him.


The gun returns as a weapon of choice of one of the twin daughters of B.J. In Wolfenstein: Youngblood, Jessie "Jes" and Zofia "Soph" Blazkowicz obtain a Dieselkraftwerk from Brother 2. Before obtaining the weapon, Nazi soldiers discuss on testing the weapon, expressing joy at the prototype.The Dieselkraftwerk fires a diesel canister that can be set to explode on impact or be detonated remotely. Sticking a canister on a Nazi soldier does not sound the alarm, so you could potentially stick canisters on all the officers in an area and detonate them simultaneously. The canisters can also be stuck to walls and used as remote-detonated booby traps. In Youngblood, the weapon can be further upgraded to cause massive damage, and have attachments that cause fragmentations, or large area damage.


The New Colossus[]


  • Youngblood has a weapon mastery system for all weapons. The Dieselkraftwerk will gain a +4% damage per level, with each level requiring 40 enemies kill per level. With a max level cap of 25, it requires 1000 enemy kills to max out its damage buff of +100%.
  • Ammo is very scarce and limited, making it a weapon to only use for certain enemies. That being said, the player can go to all the districts to get ammo, get larger battery attachments, or get the Kraftwerk Ammo Optimizer and Ballistic Ammo Pack upgrade.

The New Colossus Upgrades and Perks[]


  • Ignition muzzle: Ignite the diesel immediately upon leaving the barrel. This negates the option of detonating canisters remotely.
  • Extended tank: Double up the diesel tank capacity.
  • Supercharge: Hold the trigger to fire up to five diesel canisters at the same time.

Rather than locating specific Dieselkraftwerk upgrades, these are unlocked by spending the same upgrade kits used for other weapons.

Related Perks[]

  • Dual-wield kills: Increased total capacity for carried ammunition with more clips, 1 (non-upgraded) clip per level (Max 5).

Youngblood Weapon Set Upgrades and Abilities[]

The Dieselkraftwerk default starting stats are as follows:

  • Damage: 313
  • Fire Rate: 150
  • Handling: 409
  • Magazine: 10
  • Velocity: 30

Weapon Upgrades[]


Dieselkraftwerk Nadel

A fully-upgraded Dieselkraftwerk with all the Nadel Set components

The Nadel (Needle) brand focuses on accuracy. Equipping three Nadel parts will give a bonus to head shot damage with this weapon.

Napalm Injector[]

  • Standard:
    • Cost: 430
    • Modifier: Lingering Fire: Explosions leave a lingering puddle of burning napalm.
    • Velocity: +
  • Improved: (Unlocked at Level 35)
    • Cost: 970
    • Modifier: Lingering Fire: Explosions leave a lingering puddle of burning napalm.
    • Fire Rate: +
    • Velocity: +

Precise Fuel Tank[]

  • Standard:
    • Cost: 470
    • Magazine: +5 (Total 15)
  • Improved: (Unlocked at Level 35)
    • Cost: 680
    • Magazine: +10 (Total 20)
    • Velocity: +

Ricochet Attachment[]

  • Standard:
    • Cost: 440
    • Modifier: Bouncy Grenades: Coats the projectiles with rubber, causing them to bounce.
    • Velocity: +
  • Improved: (Unlocked at Level 35)
    • Cost: 1020
    • Modifier: Bouncy Grenades: Coats the projectiles with rubber, causing them to bounce.
    • Damage: +
    • Velocity: +

Tactical Grip[]

  • Standard:
    • Cost: 430
    • Velocity: +
  • Improved: (Unlocked at Level 35)
    • Cost: 730
    • Damage: +
    • Velocity: +


Dieselkraftwerk Tempo

A fully-upgraded Dieselkraftwerk with all the Tempo Set components

The Tempo brand focuses on fire rate. Equipping three Tempo parts will give a bonus to increase your maximum ammo capacity for this weapon.

Multi Injector[]

  • Standard:
    • Cost: 430
    • Modifier: Multiple Projectiles: Enables the Dieselkraftwerk to fire multiple projectiles at once, hold (Fire Trigger) to queue projectiles in the chamber.
    • Fire Rate: +
  • Improved: (Unlocked at Level 35)
    • Cost: 970
    • Modifier: Multiple Projectiles: Enables the Dieselkraftwerk to fire multiple projectiles at once, hold (Fire Trigger) to queue projectiles in the chamber.
    • Fire Rate: +
    • Velocity: +

Quick Inject Fuel Tank[]

  • Standard:
    • Cost: 470
    • Magazine: +5 (Total 15)
    • Handling: +
  • Improved: (Unlocked at Level 35)
    • Cost: 680
    • Magazine: +10 (Total 20)
    • Fire Rate: +
    • Handling: +

Fragmentation Attachment[]

  • Standard:
    • Cost: 440
    • Modifier: Shrapnel: Injects the projectile with ball-bearings, causing shrapnel to fly on each explosion.
    • Fire Rate: +
  • Improved: (Unlocked at Level 35)
    • Cost: 1020
    • Modifier: Shrapnel: Injects the projectile with ball-bearings, causing shrapnel to fly on each explosion.
    • Fire Rate: +
    • Velocity: +

Rapid Fire Grip[]

  • Standard:
    • Cost: 430
    • Fire Rate: +
  • Improved: (Unlocked at Level 35)
    • Cost: 730
    • Damage: +
    • Fire Rate: +


Dieselkraftwerk Stier

A fully-upgraded Dieselkraftwerk with all the Stier Set components

The Stier (Bull) brand focuses on Damage. Equipping three Stier parts will give a bonus to all inflicted damage with this weapon.

Thermobaric Injector[]

  • Standard:
    • Cost: 460
    • Modifier: Bigger Explosions: Injects the projectiles with acetylene, causing a bigger explosion.
    • Damage: +
  • Improved: (Unlocked at Level 35)
    • Cost: 1020
    • Modifier: Bigger Explosions: Injects the projectiles with acetylene, causing a bigger explosion.
    • Damage: +
    • Fire Rate: +
    • Velocity: +

Heavy Fuel Tank[]

  • Standard:
    • Cost: 470
    • Magazine: +5 (Total 15)
    • Damage: +
  • Improved: (Unlocked at Level 35)
    • Cost: 680
    • Magazine: +10 (Total 20)
    • Damage: +

Cluster Attachment[]

  • Standard:
    • Cost: 470
    • Modifier: Secondary Bomblets: Injects the projectile with bomblets, causing each explosion to spread explosive cluster munitions.
    • Damage: +
  • Improved: (Unlocked at Level 35)
    • Cost: 1060
    • Modifier: Secondary Bomblets: Injects the projectile with bomblets, causing each explosion to spread explosive cluster munitions.
    • Damage: +

Heavy Grip[]

  • Standard:
    • Cost: 440
    • Damage: +
  • Improved: (Unlocked at Level 35)
    • Cost: 740
    • Damage: +
    • Velocity: +

Related Abilities Youngblood[]

  • Kraftwerk Charge: Kraftwerk weapon auto-recharge more quickly and with more ammo.
  • Kraftwerk Ammo Optimizer: Double the magazine capacity for Kraftwerk weapons.

Youngblood Skins[]

Youngblood has a series of skins for the Dieselkraftwerk that are able to purchased with in game currency. All skins do not provide any gameplay impact or effect.

Dieselkraftwerk YB Stock

  • Stock metallic finish

Dieselkraftwerk Venus Desert

  • A slick high-tech finish originally made for the Nazi Weltaummarine's Venus Detachment. Around 200,000 rifles got made until the the Venus incident of '61 brought an abrupt end to the German Venus Project.
  • Cost: 100 Silver Coins/10 Gold Bars

Dieselkraftwerk Saboteur

  • A red splinter pattern developed by the Russian resistance in 1917 and has stood the test of time. Red symbolizes the blood of the martyrs in the war against the Nazis, plus it undoubtedly looks badass.
  • Cost: 100 Silver Coins/10 Gold Bars

Dieselkraftwerk Moon Fighter

  • A stylish finish graded to withstand the rugged environment of the moon. Jut be careful not to spill anything on it, stains are hard to get off.
  • Cost: 200 Silver Coins/25 Gold Bars

Dieselkraftwerk Black Death

  • Matte black on matte black, for that tactical SWAT-aesthetic. Use this skin to signal to your surroundings that you are done with knocking and from now you will only enter a room if you have kicked its door off the hinges.
  • Cost: 200 Silver Coins/25 Gold Bars

Dieselkraftwerk Rat Look

  • The rough and distinct finish of a weapon that has been buried in a backyard for years only to be dug up and turned against the tyrannical Nazi government.
  • Cost: 300 Silver Coins/35 Gold Bars

Dieselkraftwerk Machine Games

  • Handmade in the resistance's notorious weapon-workshop in Uppsala, Sweden. Made with the finest materials and outmost precision.
  • Cost: 1000 Silver Coins

Dieselkraftwerk Army

  • (DLC) - Matte green over galvanized iron - just like the American armed forces has during the final world war. it has that retro look that will impress grandpa and scare Nazis.
  • Originality part of the Pre-order Legacy Pack. Now available for purchase with Gold Bars or for signing up for and opt in to email communications from Bethesda.[1]
  • Cost: 50 Gold

Dieselkraftwerk Cyborg 1980

  • (DLC) - Brushed titanium and steel alloy for lightweight yet strong construction. It looks good on plasma rifles in the 40-watt range, and even better on captured German weapons.
  • Part of the Deluxe Edition of Wolfenstein: Youngblood or for purchase with Gold Bars.[2]
  • Cost: 50 Gold

Dieselkraftwerk To Hell and Back

  • (DLC) - This weapon has been to Hell and back, but still works flawlessly. It does not discriminate between demons or Nazis - rip and tear until it's done.
  • Originality a reward for linking a player's Bethesda.net account to their Doom Slayers' Club account.[3]
  • Unavailable for purchase.

Dieselkraftwerk Ninja Mörder

  • (DLC) - A mysterious purple woodland finish to help keep you concealed in the shadows as you lie await for your target. This camouflage is only for the most elite of the killer ninjas.
  • Originality a reward for linking a player's Bethesda.net account to their Twitch Prime account.[4]
  • Unavailable for purchase.



  • The Dieselkraftwerk doesn't have any type of ironsights.
  • You can dual wield any combination of weapons in The New Colossus, except for this weapon and the Laserkraftwerk.
  • By 1980 the DieselKraftWerk is no longer a unique weapon to B.J or his kin. It seems that the weapon has been mass produced by the regime. This is somewhat strange considering that the weapon was made by Set, which means that, unlike the LaserKraftWerk, the Nazis never had access to it or to its design. This is further evidenced by the fact that in the Fergus timeline the DieselKraftWerk doesn't even exist.
    • In Youngblood, the Nazis have a Dieselkraftwerk as a prototype.
  • The DieselKraftWerk appears to be heavily inspired by the SCAR Gun from The Chonicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena, which also fires out sticky grenade-like bullets that can be detonated. The only difference is that the SCAR Gun has unlimited ammo, and if you fire more than five rounds, one of the sticky bullets already fired will vanish. It is also worth mentioning that Assault on Dark Athena was created by the same group of people that worked on MachineGames' Wolfenstein games, making the similarities between the two weapons uncoincidental.
