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Forest Compound is the first part of the Weapons of Vengeance mission of Return to Castle Wolfenstein.

Mission Briefing[]


Part 1: Forest Compound

Deathshead has been tracked to a remote rocket base located near the Baltic Coast, where he intends to fire a V2 rocket at London fitted with some kind of new chemical warhead. Your only viable method of infiltration is to stow away aboard a supply truck bound for the base. You will parachute into the outlying forest area armed only with your knife and silenced Sten.

The rest of your gear will be deployed separately in two drop containers. In one of them you will find the new OSA M1S "Snooper" rifle which has been shown to be highly effective for long range, covert "wet work". Due to the fact that this weapon uses very specialized ammunition, we can only issue you with a limited amount. Also, due to its experimental nature, it is imperative that you recover this item lest it fall into enemy hands.


           Infiltrate supply compound

           Stowaway aboard supply truck
           bound for rocket base

           Ensure that no alarms are sounded

           Recover OSA M1S "SNOOPER" rifle




There are 21 enemies on this mission and one of them MUST survive to succeed.

If an enemy sounds the alarm, the mission is failed and you'll have to restart. If you destroy every alarm box (6 in total), you won't have to worry about being stealthy at all since the only other way to fail the mission would be through death. It is recommended to destroy every alarm box before you search for ammo (you won't have to only use silenced weapons). If you crouch and fire the Sten in bursts, you can kill snipers in their towers (can be hard but it saves Snooper ammo).

You must have the SNOOPER to complete this level. The first building houses three guards (3). Keep going until you reach the second building (you can hear music), you can kill the officer and the guard (2). From here there are two ways forward, the bridge on the left side of the large hill and the hidden path on the right. If you plan to cross the bridge, switch to the Sten and take out the nearby sniper in his tower. His Mauser will be handy later during the mission overall. Sten the guards on the bridge (3). If you are feeling stealthy or want to save ammo take the path to the right; it will take you behind the enemy position and near the second tower. Using stealth it is possible to kill every guard in this area without firing a shot.

Here come the stealthy part: Go through the tunnel door on the right and keep going until you reach the ladder. Before that, you may Sten the 2 guards in the tunnel (but don't let them shoot or the others will hear+alarm!). Continue to the right and you'll end up in a small camp with a sniper in his tower, an officer and a guard (3). Silently kill them. There is additional ammo for the Snooper in this area. To find it heat away from the road after clearing out the camp.

Use the Snooper to kill the officer in the building above the camp doors (watch out, the windows might stop the bullet! If he sees his window shot he'll run for alarm next to him) then SNOOP the guy guarding the entrance. Once they're dead, enter the camp either through the gate or from the left side (But beware the sniper in the water tower!). Now follow the wall on the right (not the side where you can break in from a window) and use the mountain side to get a good shot on the alarm in the other red/white stripped thingy and destroy it with your SNOOPER (don't kill anyone yet just in case).

At the rocket base's door is the guard you must let live in order to gain entry, don't get seen or he'll shoot you with his MP40; he will however remain near the nearby broken alarm box (since the AI tells him to run for the box but he'll get stuck if it's broken). Kill every other enemy and enter the truck to enter the V2 rocket base.

Sometime the mission glitches and can't be completed (every alarm box+non essential enemies killed but can't finish "no alarm sounded"). To fix that, just reload last checkpoint (suicide) and beat the last part again. If this keeps happening for some reason, you could restart that mission, repeat everything but break the final alarm silently while the gate guard is far from it. If it breaks right in his face he'll activate a broken alarm and you won't complete the "no alarm sounded" objective.

There is another method which spares you ammo but relies heavily on SNOOPER. This is as follows:

As you emerge from the woods at the first house, wait for the guard to walk off to a distance from the house and silence him permanently, no one will hear. WALK back to the house, the guy at the table won't even know what hit him. Exit through the other door, guard there will probably be on the alert but can be shot before he can react. Cross the lake if you want to, collect the stuff and proceed towards the next house. There are two alternatives here. ALT1: wait until the guard rounds the house and WALK in, kill the officer so that he can't utter a voice (if he does the guard is likely to be alerted and starts running, thus inadvertently alerting the guard in the tower - mission failed). WALK out, go round the house (this is risky, tower guard may see you so timing is critical), follow the walking guard and Sten him, then proceed to the low wall. ALT2: WALK behind the house and with the leaning feature from beind the corner to see where the guard is (this way he won't see you). As he is coming, WALK back to the previous corner of the house and lean. When the guard is close enough, Sten him. The officer inside won't hear anything. WALK ahead up to the corner, lean with binoculars to see the tower guard and when he looks away, proceed to the low wall. From there follow the 'covert path' drawn in your notebook close to the cliffs, guards on the bridge won't detect you. Climb up the second tower, Sten the guard, break the alarm box, return down, collect the Mauser.

Here is a bit tricky part: WALK down keeping the tree between you and the bridge guards (recommended to save before attempting, this may take a few attempts), then WALK into the tunnel. Don't stop until reaching the door, open it slowly. Proceed to the ladder, climb up and watch the guard in the building above the gate. When he looks away, run behind the cliffs. WALK down, the officer and the guard at the machine gun post won't see you. Lean from behind the wall and when the officer starts to walk right, silently kill the machine gunner, then do the same with the officer (tower guard likely won't see you), then go ahead to collect the Snooper. Head back and test the Snooper on the tower guard, then shoot the guard above the gate (be careful: he stands behind a window so one shot will only cause him to run towards his alarm box so you must shot him once he runs past an open window. Then you can machine-gun down the two guys at the tunnel entrance, interestingly no one will raise alarm on that, however, there is a chance the guard at the gate will run towards you (let him close then Sten). Go ahead on the left close to the cliff wall on your right and aim at the water tower. Snoop the guard up there when he is on the middle of his path.

Go up to the left-side slope while aiming towards the crates behind the truck, then Snoop the guard when he is behind the truck. Go down to the outside wall, climb through the window, stab the officer, collect the sniper scoped Mauser rifle. Go back to the door where the officer was, open SLOWLY, then WALK through the gate. Just to be sure, WALK inside the building, kill the officer there. Exit, then, with careful timing, sneak behind the electric boxes on the right, then you're okay. Go to the truck, no one will see you, enter and that's all.

Alarm Box Locations[]

  1. Across the small bridge, in the guard post.
  2. In the guard tower, not far from #1.
  3. After passing the tunnel, in the MG 42 post.
  4. In the guard post above the gate
  5. Below #4
  6. Near the truck you need to get into, the post will be guarded by the enemy who must survive.

Supply Drop Locations[]

  1. Across the lake next to the first building, you will find medical kits, a M1911 Pistol, and some .45 cal ammunition.
  2. Near the small camp with the MG 42. Walking in the direction away from the compound, you will find a M1 Thompson, Snooper rifle, .30 cal/.45 cal ammunition and med kits, in fact, there are 2 supply boxes in this level.


  1. Inside a warehouse in the camp. climb the boxes near the window you used to enter the camp and walk on the metal wire to get to the warehouse roof. Go through the hole and enjoy the treasures and .45 cal ammunition, this is the tough one to get so you may have a lot of retries. The warehouse is somehow "soundproof" that no one will hear the explosion, thus don't worry about detonating the gas canister (or some kind of explosive) to reveal the treasure.



