Sturmbannführer Rudi Jäger is the secondary antagonist of Wolfenstein: The Old Blood. He is the warden and kennel master of Castle Wolfenstein and is Helga von Schabbs' right-hand man.
Rudi was born in the Ruhr Valley in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, to Ingrid Jäger and an unnamed father in 1901. As a boy, Rudi was abused by his father, who would constantly beat him with a belt. His mother would nurse his wounds to stave off infection, but Rudi also blamed her for the abuse, likely because Ingrid appeared to do nothing to stop her husband and actually defended the maltreatment of their son as a correction measure for his recurring "dark mood". When Rudi's father died in a workplace accident at the coal fields after being electrocuted while standing in water, he learned from his uncle that not only is water inside humans, but it is also a conduit for electricity. After his father's death, the family fell into poverty, leading Ingrid to send Rudi to Frankfurt to live with his cousins. Rudi's relationship with Ingrid remains strained even decades later, showcased in a recent letter from Ingrid, in which she maintains her position on the abuse and passes the blame onto Rudi while guilt-tripping her son for not visiting his ailing mother and begging him for money.
Around the 1920s-30s, Rudi joined the Nazi Party and became a personal dog trainer for General Wilhelm Strasse until he was assigned to Helga von Schabbs, who made him her second-in-command at Castle Wolfenstein. Rudi was awarded a dog named Greta, who is an albino Kampfhund and always had her at his side. One of Jäger's favorite pastime activities is to feed his dogs with prisoners from the castle's dungeons. As the warden, he was cruel and sadistic, but effective. He was noted to put fear into the hearts of his subordinates when in his presence; two guards can be heard in awe at Wesley's resilience to Jäger's torture, saying that for his own sake he should just "make something up".
On January 6, 1946, his mother, who has since moved to Dortmund, sent him a letter in which she wonders why he didn't visit her for Christmas and claims to still love Rudi as a son, stating that she regrets not telling him that she felt blessed to have had him in her life. She goes on to justify the behavior of Rudi's cruel father, dismisses the beatings he had to endure as being for his own good and tells him to let the past go. Ingrid then half-heartedly asks Rudi for financial support, however small it may be, citing his successful career in the Nazi government, to help "ease the pain that comes with growing old alone".[1]
The Old Blood[]
Rudi Jäger is first seen at a cable car checkpoint along with his Kampfhund, Greta. As Blazkowicz, posing as "Commander Franz", hands over his forged ID papers to the guard manning the checkpoint, Rudi grabs B.J.'s hand and personally examines the passport. Upon seeing the issuing city, he curiously asks "Franz" if he's a Frankfurter, as in, if he's a native of Frankfurt, presumably because Rudi grew up there. Stammering due to his poor grasp of German, B.J. unsurely replies to Rudi by saying that he's indeed a "hot dog", mistakenly believing Rudi to have meant the type of sausage. After a short pause, Rudi starts to laugh obnoxiously, automatically assuming that he is making a mocking impression of a stereotypical American, with B.J. and the equally nervous guard joining in out of fear before B.J. is allowed to proceed. After discovering the safe containing the coordinates to Deathshead's Compound is empty, B.J. and Agent One escape - right into a room where Jäger and a Supersoldat are waiting. The Supersoldat knocks B.J. out with a single punch, and Jäger has him and Agent One taken to the dungeons.
Rudi is encountered several times in the prison releasing his dogs on prisoners and dragging Agent One away for interrogation, although he is not encountered face-to-face again until Chapter 3, where B.J. attempts to rescue Agent One. While attempting to free Agent One, B.J. is knocked out from behind by Rudi and placed in the electric chair that Rudi was using to interrogate Agent One. B.J. wakes up to discover Greta feeding on Agent One's corpse and Rudi standing above him. Rudi unsuccessfully attempts to interrogate a stoic B.J., who threatens to break free and kill him and Greta. B.J. manages to break free while being electrocuted, throws Rudi into the chair, and electrocutes him. However, B.J. becomes distracted by Greta attacking him, he then kills the Kampfhund, allowing Rudi to slip away while guards storm the room.

BJ executes Rudi with a pipe
Later, in Paderborn, B.J. is preparing to travel to Wulfburg along with Kessler and Annette when the Nazi garrison attacks the fortified tavern where the three of them are hiding. After holding off several waves of Nazi infantry, B.J. is confronted by an apoplectic Rudi in a suit of customised power armor. Rudi fires at B.J. with dual chainguns while swearing vengeance for Greta, "the happiest dog in Germany". Although Rudi's armor is initially bulletproof, B.J. destroys the power conduits on Rudi's armor and peels off the armor plates on Rudi's suit, making him vulnerable to gunfire. After a short battle, Rudi is defeated by B.J. and collapses in defeat, saying that he'll be reunited with Greta in the afterlife. B.J. removes Rudi's helmet and stabs him twice, killing the monstrous warden but has to escape quickly due to the suit preparing to self destruct.
Rudi was a tall, muscular middle-aged German man with graying platinum-blonde hair and blue eyes. Throughout the events of The Old Blood, he was dressed in a green button-up shirt with suspenders, gray jeans, a belt, and large black boots.
Rudi Jäger represented the paragon of the Nazi ideal; an efficient, ruthless SS officer who was feared by enemies and even fellow soldiers. Rudi had a reputation among the SS Paranormal Division for feeding prisoners to his beloved pack of dogs and was rumoured to threaten his subordinates with the same fate if they didn't stay in line. Although it is not said to his face, he's considered by at least some of his own men to be "a little bit crazy".
His cruel personality was likely a product of his childhood, having been raised by an abusive father and an apparently apathetic mother. Rudi greatly cared for his dogs to the point of obsession (particularly Greta) and became enraged and vengeful when B.J. killed Greta in self-defense. During battle, he exhibited boastful supremacist tendencies typical of B.J.'s future opponents, gloating that his armor was bulletproof. In his final moments, Rudi expressed his love for Greta by telling her they will reunite after death, right before being stabbed.
- "Was gibt's Greta? (What's the matter, Greta?)"
- ―Rudi's first words in The Old Blood[src]
- "Augenblick, warten Sie. (Hold it.)"
- ―Rudi before B.J. could walk away.[src]
- "Aus Frankfurt? Sind Sie Frankfurter? (From Frankfurt? Are you a Frankfurter?)"
- ―Rudi to B.J./Commander Franz.[src]
- "So ein komischer Kauz! (Such a funny guy!)"
- ―Rudi's response from B.J. saying his name is Hot Dog[src]
- "Die spinnen, die Amis! 'Hot dog!' (They're crazy, the Americans! 'Hot dog!')"
- ―Rudi on B.J. saying hot dog.[src]
- "Die werden sich wundern, wenn wir an der Macht sind. (They'll see when we take over.)"
- ―Rudi to B.J. on the war.[src]
- "Weiter. (Carry on.)"
- ―Rudi lets B.J. go[src]
- "Greta. Bei Fuß. (Greta. Heel.)"
- ―Rudi ordering Greta.[src]
- "Fresschen, meine Lieben! (Dinner time, my little darlings!)"
- ―Rudi to his dogs.[src]
- "Na, freut ihr euch? (Happy to see me?)"
- ―Rudi.[src]
- "Rein da, Verdammt. (In with you, dammit.)"
- ―Rudi.[src]
- "An dem ist viel gutes Fett dran. (Lots of nutritious fat still on that one, yes?)"
- ―Rudi on a prisoner.[src]
- "Lasst's euch Schmecken. Ich komm in 'ner Stunde wieder, dann gehen wir Gassi. (Now play nice. I will come and take you for a walk in an hour or so.)"
- ―Rudi to his dogs.[src]
- "Ja. Ja. (Yes. Yes.)"
- ―Rudi.[src]
- "Aber natürlich... (Of course you do.)"
- ―Rudi.[src]
- "Du armes Ding. (You poor thing.)"
- ―Rudi.[src]
- "Ein bisschen Fett ansetzen, ja? (Build up some fat, yes?)"
- ―Rudi.[src]
- "Wir wollen doch nicht, dass du hier drin dahinsiechst, nicht wahr? (Don't want you to just waste away in here like this, do we?)"
- ―Rudi.[src]
- "Es gibt genug für alle, keine Sorge! (There is enough for everyone. Don't worry!)"
- ―Rudi.[src]
- "You are a quiet one, aren't you?""
- ―Rudi.[src]
- "Don't worry."
- ―Rudi.[src]
- "We have plenty of time to get comfortable in each other's company."
- ―Rudi.[src]
- "Ah, I was a bit worried we had lost you."
- ―Rudi to B.J.[src]
- "Greta. Bleib. (Greta. Stay.)"
- ―Rudi orders Greta.[src]
- "Greta was hungry. I didn't want the flesh to go to waste."
- ―Rudi to B.J. on letting Greta eat Wesley.[src]
- "I'm sure you understand."
- ―Rudi to B.J.[src]
- "'Little Nazi fuck!' You are a funny man. Clown of the class when you were a boy, I would guess? Well, the funny ends here."
- ―Rudi to B.J. on mocking him.[src]
- "My father died of electrocution. Such accidents were not unusual at the coal fields of Ruhr Valley. I remember my uncle telling me that he was standing in water when it happened. Water is a conduit for electricity. And what is in our bodies? That is right. Water."
- ―Rudi telling B.J. his past and electricity[src]
- "When I press this button electricity will flow through your body, carried by this water, and it will cramp up and you will feel the most intense pain you have ever felt in your life."
- ―Rudi to B.J.[src]
- "If you do not want to feel this pain, which is completely understandable, you need to answer my question without hesitation. So... who is your contact in the village?"
- ―Rudi interrogates B.J.[src]
- "Who is this 'Klaus'?"
- ―Rudi to B.J.[src]
- "Your comedy act won't save you. Talking will"
- ―Rudi to B.J.[src]
- "Why do you insist? Your boys are dying out there. On the beaches. In the fields. It's pathetic. Like pulling the wings off an insect. Your war is lost."
- ―Rudi to B.J. on the war[src]
- "One last time. Then I will kill you. Who is your contact?"
- ―Rudi interrogating B.J.[src]
- "Yes?"
- ―Rudi to B.J.[src]
- "Leck mich! (Fuck you!)"
- ―Rudi to B.J.[src]
- "Was machst du da? Verdammt! (What are you doing? Damnit!)"
- ―Rudi to B.J.[src]
- "Achtung an alle Wachen. (Attention all guards.)"
- ―Rudi on speaker.[src]
- "Ich will, dass jeder verfluchte Einzelne von euch das anatomische Theater angreift. Dort ist eine dreckige Ratte auf der Flucht. Ich will das Schwein tot sehen! Los! (I want every-goddamed-one of you to assault the anatomical theater. There is a filthy rat on the run in there and I want him squished, right now! Move it!)"
- ―Rudi to his soldiers.[src]
- "American!"
- ―Rudi before the battle.[src]
- "You killed my dog! You killed my Greta!"
- ―Rudi to B.J. on killing Greta.[src]
- "Sie war mein Ein und Alles! (She was the light of my life!)"
- ―Rudi on Greta.[src]
- "So liebevoll! So verzeihend! (So caring! So forgiving!)"
- ―Rudi on Greta.[src]
- "Sie hatte nichts Böses an sich! (Not an evil bone in her body!)"
- ―Rudi on Greta.[src]
- "Und du hast sie mir weggenommen! (And you took her from me!)"
- ―Rudi on Greta.[src]
- "Ich hab sie geliebt! Sie war der glücklichste Hund Deutschlands! (I loved her! She was the happiest dog in Germany!)"
- ―Rudi on Greta.[src]
- "Aber das verstehst du nicht, du erbärmlicher Wicht! (But you wouldn't understand this, you pathetic little man!)"
- ―Rudi to B.J.[src]
- "Euch geht es immer nur um Tod und Zerstörung! (The only thing you people care about is death and destruction!)"
- ―Rudi to B.J.[src]
- "Was von dir übrig bleibt, werde ich an meine anderen Hunde verfüttern! (What is left of your body I will feed to my other dogs!)"
- ―Rudi to B.J.[src]
- "Dieser Anzug ist kugelsicher! (This suit is bullet-proof!)"
- ―Rudi on his armor.[src]
- "Ja, verschieß nur weiter deine Kugeln, du Schwachkopf! (Yes, just keep wasting your ammo, you damn fool!)"
- ―Rudi in battle.[src]
- "Diese Rüstung ist aus Deutschen Stahl, du Idiot! (This armor is German steel you idiot fool!)"
- ―Rudi on his armor.[src]
- "Ich bin unverwundbar! (I am invincible!)"
- ―Rudi in battle.[src]
- "Diese Rüstung macht mich unverwundbar! (This armor makes me invincible!)"
- ―Rudi on his armor.[src]
- "Ich trage Deutschen Stahl - der ist undurchdringlich, merkst du's nicht? (I'm dressed in German Steel - it's impenetrable, don't you see?!)""
- ―Rudi on his armor.[src]
- "Stirb, du dreckiger Amerikaner! (Die, you fucking American!)"
- ―Rudi in battle[src]
- "Gib auf, jämmerlicher Amerikaner! (Just give up, pathetic American!)"
- ―Rudi in battle.[src]
- "Oh, mein Leben! Bald sehen wir uns wieder, Greta! (Oh, my life! I will see you soon, Greta!)"
- ―Rudi's last words.[src]
- Rudi is quite similar to Hans Grösse, especially his Wolfenstein (2009) incarnation, both being broadly-build, muscle-bound SS soldiers, having at one point served directly under Wilhelm "Deathshead" Strasse and serving as the secondary antagonists, as well as bosses, in their respective games.
- Both also encountered B.J. Blazkowicz twice, once in a neutral setting while undercover and once under hostile conditions while attempting to escape captivity, before they were fought and killed by B.J. in a final showdown.
- Additionally, Rudi wears an outfit similar in color and functionality as that of Hans Grosse in Wolfenstein (2009).
- Rudi's power armor and dual chainguns are similar to Hans Grösse's appearance in Wolfenstein 3D and Wolfenstein (2009).
- If replaying the game, it is possible that B.J. will have access to an MG-46 taken off a Super-soldier when he sees him patrolling the dungeons. While he cannot shoot Rudi, he can shoot the dogs next to him and Rudi will not react - this is likely an oversight.
- His weak points are also very similiar to the Heavy Veil trooper.
- When Rudi is defeated, he exclaims "Mein Leben!", a throwback to Wolfenstein 3D when killing an SS Soldier.
- A letter found in his room reveals that Rudi suffered frequent physical abuse from his father as a child.
- In real life, Lagerkommandant Phillip Schmitt at Fort Breendonk was notable for siccing his German Shepherd dog on inmates during the Nazi occupation of Belgium in WWII.
- His father was killed by electrocution from a mine accident when he was standing in a wet area in which Rudi takes this inspiration for his electric chair to torture prisoners.
- His method of feeding his dogs with prisoners make the guards and other staff very scared of him to the point where an officer warns his nephew not to loiter around or else he will be fed to the dogs.
- Rudi also bears a striking resemblance - in looks and build - to T.V. personality and professional chef Robert Irvine.
- Picture An der Front (below) is inspired by famous photo of German general Erwin Rommel inspecting the Atlantic Wall.
- His last name means "hunter" in German.
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Organization | 101st Airborne Division · United States Army · SS Paranormal Division · SS Special Projects Division · Office of Secret Actions |
Resistance | BJ Blazkowicz · Annette Krause · Pippa Shepherd · Fergus Reid · Ludwig Kessler · Richard Wesley · Katrin · Markus · Village Drunkard |
Nazis | Rudi Jäger · Helga Von Schabbs · Emmerich Schreiner · |
Other | Otto I · Eadgyth · Konrad · Siegbald Berger |
Humans | Soldier · Commander · Heavy Soldier · Marksman |
Machines | Drone · Panzerhund · Laderoboter |
Creatures | Kampfhund · Supersoldaten · Shambler |
Bosses | Rudi Jäger · The Monstrosity |