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The Spear of Destiny (also known as the Holy Lance, Holy Spear, Lance of Longinus, Spear of Longinus or Spear of Christ) is the name given to the lance that pierced Jesus's side in John's account of the crucifixion of Jesus. The Spear serves as one of central plot elements in the world of Wolfenstein (original titles and Wolfenstein RPG).

Original Titles[]

In Spear of Destiny, Adolf Hitler took the lance during the Anschluss, when Austria was annexed to Nazi Germany, an action that has conspired B.J. Blazkowicz to liberate the spear from Hitler's control, who, at the time was researching its powers, was seriously unbalanced. B.J. infiltrated the castle Nuremberg in which the Spear was held, fought through many enemies and finally reached the Spear and its guardian, the Death Knight. However, once B.J. has defeated the Death Knight and seized the Spear, he was instantly taken to Hell, where he fought against the Angel of Death to prove himself worthy enough to wield it.

In the mission packs, the Spear is again stolen by Nazis right from the States. The captor is The Axe, a Nazi officer and special agent bent on using its powers to aid the Third Reich. B.J. Blazkowicz has to face his menacing forces, kill the captor himself, and finally reach the Spear. However, in order to take it back, he again is forced to fight a paranormal being which was summoned by Hitler - Devil Incarnate.

There is no traces of the Spear in the original Wolfenstein 3D, but it was probably the source of Hitler's mystic powers. Soon after the games, the war is over and the Spear is probably kept in safety.

Wolfenstein RPG[]

In Wolfenstein RPG, the Spear of Destiny is found by Nazis in ancient catacombs beneath Castle Wolfenstein. Being under SS Paranormal Division control, the Spear is used for dark rituals and ultimately becomes B.J.'s weapon against the demon summoned by Nazi, the fearsome Harbinger.


Anton Kriege looked into B.J.'s records with the OSA, seeing his actions to stop the Nazis, and wondered how much the Spear of Destiny would be worth in the black market.
