The Wolfenstein series is a series of World War II-themed video games. Most of the games feature protagonist William "B.J." Blazkowicz.
The Games[]
There are a two games developed or produced by id Software and Apogee Software or FormGen:
Game or ports from various developers inspired by the original Wolfenstein 3D but with new levels or storyline (Mac Family).
- Wolfenstein 3D: Original Encounter (SNES/Jaguar/3D0/Mac/Atari IIGS)
There are several games produced by Activision and id Software (and developed by assorted companies including Grey Matter Interactive, Raven, etc):
- Return to Castle Wolfenstein (Grey Matter Interactive)
- Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (Splash Damage)
- Wolfenstein (2009) (Raven)
- Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Tides of War (Nerve Software)
- Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Operation Resurrection (Raster Productions)
Produced and distributed by EA Games and Id software.
The inspiration for the id Software series of games were two original Wolfensteins:
Produced and developed by id Software and Bethesda:
- Wolfenstein 3D Classic (iOS)
The re-imagining franchise is produced by Bethesda and developed by Machinegames